


Women are constantly concerned with their beauty. With age, hair becomes one of their biggest concerns because it’s the one thing that with a bit of help, can really make a difference.

They look to you for advice, but sometimes questions involving their aesthetic insecurities can be difficult to ask. We want to help you support your clients in every way. Here are some gentle ways to start that conversation with your female clients.

  • Concern: I’m worried that if I cover my grey hair, I will lose the natural moisture in my hair, making it dry and brittle.
  • Conversation starter: “Many of my clients worry about their hair changing texture when they first start to cover or blend their greying hair. (The colour) we use has a cream consistency and contains special ingredients to leave hair in great condition with visible shine.”
  • Concern: Often when I colour my hair, I go for natural colours which look boring. I would love something more youthful to make me feel younger and more confident.
  • Conversation starter: “Have you thought about introducing some brighter, more modern colour tones to your usual grey coverage service? I can recommend something to suit your skin tone if you’re interested in adding that extra spark?”
  • Concern: As I get older, my hair is becoming much finer and flatter. I don’t know how to change this and products alone don’t seem to make much difference.
  • Conversation starter: “How would you feel if I could make your hair look thicker and more voluminous? There are many ways that we can achieve this, from the cut and colour that we choose for you to the products you use at home.”
  • Concern: I wish I could have healthy, young-looking hair again. Something which suits me and my personality. Something with vibrancy and shine to take me back to my youth and give me confidence.
  • Conversation starter: “How do you feel about changing your current look to something which is personalised for you and brings your personality to life?”
  • Credit: Kadus Professional